
7 am up 8 am gym 9 am tea & shake 10 am shower  11am lunch with my babes  Noon Enlightenment  3 pm Charity 8 pm Celebration 10 pm Love  Midnight Work…

Just One of Those Days

Usually when I’m about to lose my shit I take a deep breath and tell myself that “the average adult” doesn’t overreact or curse and yell until their voice is gone and head is throbbing! I honestly try to take a subtle approach to any situation that may arise in my life with a leveled…


Jhiduan Kaleil. I created his name at a time when I felt as if the world was against me. Everything I knew and grew up loving seemed to have fallen from their grace once I became pregnant with him. His father and I were on opposite coasts, not speaking to one another at all and…

My Happy Place..

I was going to begin this journey anonymously so I could write anything that came to this beautiful mind of mine. Writing is something that I’ve always done so freely. A trait passed on from my mother whom discontinued her poems and short stories due to her ongoing fight with Multiple Sclerosis. I learned to…

3:38 am

As I lay in my bed surfing through random pages of the lovely (and I use that word lightly) Internet, I stumble across a blog site. Clicking out of curiosity I come to a blog simply introducing me to someone’s life and style. I thought to myself, I need this! So, here I am. Hello,…